Speeding Citations

If you or a family member has received a speeding ticket in southwest Florida, it is important to seek the counsel of a skilled lawyer to help advise you of your legal options. At The Law Offices of Hodge and Snyder, our attorneys have helped many people successfully fight speeding tickets and other traffic violations.

Too often, individuals receive a speeding ticket and automatically assume they must plead guilty — this is often a mistake. We can investigate the circumstances surrounding your charge and challenge the state to prove its case.

Quality Speeding Ticket Defense Representation

Even though traffic violations are quite common, the severity of penalties increases with each traffic infraction. Individuals can quickly face higher fines or revoked or suspended licenses. As your criminal defense attorneys, we will work diligently to get the best result we can for you. In some cases, this might include having your charges reduced or dismissed altogether.

Our firm has provided legal advice and criminal defense to clients on Marco Island, Naples and communities throughout Florida who need knowledgeable traffic violation attorneys. We understand the importance of keeping your license, paying lower insurance premiums and not paying fines.

As soon as we accept your case, we will begin developing a unique and effective case strategy that can potentially minimize the consequences you face. Trust us to defend your rights and protect your best interests and help you avoid a license suspension.

Contact a Defense Attorney

If you have any questions please contact us online or call (239) 430-0001 to speak with one of our experienced lawyers, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Speeding Citations