Violent Crimes

Crimes of violence cover a wide array of charges with a broad range of penalties. If you have been charged with a crime of violence, you might be facing significant penalties such as an extended prison sentence and large fines. Do not face these charges alone and be sure to have an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to protect your rights.

At The Law Offices of Hodge and Snyder, our lawyers understand that many people who are charged with a crime of violence are not career criminals. Often, a series of bad decisions can lead to someone finding himself or herself facing serious charges. It is wise to retain a skilled defense lawyer to ensure that your rights are not violated and your freedom is protected.

Put Our Experience to Work for You

By retaining our firm as early as possible, we can begin helping you immediately. It is our goal to prevent an arrest, not simply to defend a client charged with a crime.

We provide legal advice and criminal defense for individuals on Marco Island, Naples and communities throughout southwest Florida. We are prepared to defend your rights if you are charged with any of a wide range of criminal offenses, including:

  • Assault and battery
  • Gun crimes or other weapons’ charges
  • Aggravated assault
  • Aggravated battery
  • Domestic violence

While this list reflects the type of crimes of violence charges we typically defend our clients against, the list is not complete. We encourage you to contact a criminal defense attorney at our firm if you have been charged with any crime, even one not mentioned on this site.

Contact a Defense Attorney

If you have any questions please contact us online or call (239) 430-0001 to speak with one of our experienced lawyers, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Violent Crimes