Violation of Probation

The Law Offices of Hodge and Snyder defend clients charged or arrested with violation of probation. If you are facing criminal charges, or are charged with violating your probation, it is important to consult with a skilled lawyer immediately.

A violation of probation can have serious consequences to your freedom and your criminal record. Our firm can explain the challenges you face while aggressively defending your rights and your freedom. Whatever your alleged violation is, we can get you the chance to explain your side of the story to a judge. This explanation can often be crucial to your future.

The Right Attorneys for Your Probation Violation Defense

An individual can violate his or her probation in several ways, including, but not limited to:

  • Failing to complete community service hours
  • Owning a firearm
  • Violating a restraining order
  • Contact with known felons
  • Failed drug test results
  • Failure to attend scheduled meeting with probation officer
  • Failure to notify probation officer of change of address or employment status
  • Failing to complete conditions of probation

Our experienced criminal defense lawyers will investigate your alleged violation and work to get you the best outcome possible. We will negotiate with prosecutors to find creative alternatives to jail time, such as increased monitoring, increased meetings with probation officers and extended community service. We also work hard to avoid any probation revocation proceedings. Our priority is keeping you out of jail and maintaining your freedom.

Contact a Defense Attorney

If you have any questions please contact us online or call (239) 430-0001 to speak with one of our experienced lawyers, we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.


Violation of Probation